Frame description

This frame contains words that denote kinship relations, i.e. the terms for family members and relatives. In annotations, we use the frame elements Relative_1 and Relative_2, or Relatives when they appear together.


1. Sein Opa  zeigte ihm, wie man eine Angel schnitzt und Fischreusen legt.  1. His grandpa  showed him, how one a fishing pole carves and fishing nets lays. 
2. Drei Jahre später haben sie sich geheiratet. 2. Three years later they married each other.
3. Sein Vater, Großvater, Urgroßvater sind oder waren auch Metzger. 3. His father, grandfather, great grandfather are or were also butchers.




Frame Elements

Frame Element descriptions (on hover):


The Relative_1 is the person who fills the role named by the kinship term with respect to Relative_2


Relative_2 is the person from whose perspective the kinship relation is defined.


Relatives are the combination of Relative_1 and Relative_2 together.